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Tattoo ideas of Valencia to keep the city in your skin

Valencia is a city in which you can find a perfect combination of history, gastronomy, party and monuments. If you are looking for some tattoo ideas of Valencia to remember this beautiful city and engraving it on the skin, keep reading this article.

A bat

Design by Josefina Villanueva for Vieja Escuela Tattoo

Do you know something about the link between the city of Valencia and the bat? You can notice that Valencia’s city coat shows this flying mammal on the top. This curious thing arise from the Jaume’s I period. The first appearance of this symbol was in the year 1500 and there are different theories about it, but everyone of them has Jaume I as the main character. 

Design by Josefina Villanueva for Vieja Escuela Tattoo

The legend tells that one night, Jaume I was camping near of the Turia river, expecting to enter in the city of Valencia to conquer it. In this time, bats where considered a bad sign, so in the moment one of this animals settled in the kings’s tent, Jaume I ordered to kill it. However, a few nights later, another bat awaked the king with its noises in the moment the muslims were prepared to attacked them, something that made them to win the battle. For that reason, Jaume I considered this bat was warning them and started to honour it and put the figure of a bat on the top of the city coat. Nowadays, this symbol still represents Valencia.


The pyrotechnics is one of the most known traditions of Valencia. Do you know that valencians pyrotechnicians are famous around the world? This art started to become important in the city around 1714 , where the citizens set fire to the traditional «tracas» (a group of firecrackers) after the religious celebrations. This fact gave rise to the famous «mascletà», but this tradition has suffered many transformations during the years. In its origins, the mascletà consisted in a group of firecrackers hanging from a rope disposed horizontally above the heads, below which the people had to run while the firecrackers were blowing. 

Nowadays, Valencia is known for its biggest celebration, the Fallas, in which the firecrackers are the big main characters. During these days, Valencia is full of powder and noises of the mascletàs. If you are thinking of something quite valencian to get a tattoo, maybe this is your best choice.


If you are looking for a typical food product from Valencia, definitely you must think about oranges. This fruit has an important link with this city and its first appearence in Valencia was thanks to the arabics that lived in the Taifa of Valencia, from the years 1000-1300. After that, oranges started to grow in the territory, whose climate and conditions were appropriate for the growing of the orange.

At the present time, valencians oranges are known around the world because of the sweetness and good flavour of them. For that reason, this fruit could be one of the best and funniest tattoo ideas of Valencia to get a memory of the city.

Quart and Serrano’s towers

Valencia is a city with such an interesting history and the principal witnesses of that are the beautiful monuments and buildings that are present in the old town. Two of them are the Towers of Quart and Serranos, the only towers that survive the history, two of the twelve doors of the city that a long time ago existed. The Towers of Serrano were built by Pere Balaguer in 1392 to defend the city of possible attacks and also, to be a way to get in the city. They were a symbol of the power of Valencia. 

In the case of the Towers of Quart, they were projected by Pere Bonfill and the construction works started in 1444. The purpose of these towers were defensive, but later, they started to become a prison for women. Our studio is close to Towers of Quart, so stop thinking about it and come to engrave in your skin this interesting and representative monument of Valencia.

Design by Gastón Oliva for Vieja Escuela Tattoo

Valencia’ skyline

Surely you have visited the incredible Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències of València, one of the most emblematic ensemble of buildings of the city.  It is formed by several parts: Oceanogràfic, Hemisfèric, Museu de les Ciències, Palau de Les Arts, Umbracle, Caixa Forum València, L’Assut d’Or. The project was made by the architect Santiago Calatrava, and there you can enjoy science and culture and it has become in one of the most iconic places in the city.

Besides its importance in terms of the outreach of the knowledge, one of the most attractive characteristics of the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències is its aesthetics. They are contemporary constructions that create a beautiful skyline of València, and for that, it is a good choice for a tattoo. Are you ready?


Design by Pitu for Vieja Escuela Tattoo

Although there is no clear evidence of the origin of this celebration, Fallas are certainly the best known celebration of València. It is documented that in 1740 the Fallas were already a celebration, but let’s explain what is this tradition, which is celebrated in honour of Saint Joseph, patron saint of the carpenters. These workers got outside their old junk and set fire to that to welcome the spring season, and this act started to develop during the years.

Design by Josefina Villanueva for Vieja Escuela Tattoo

Since the 19th century, the valencians started to burn big figures made by cardboard-stone, the ninots. Nowadays, falleras and falleros are the people that organise this celebration by the order of the ninots to the falleros artists, specialised in this kind of art. The traditional dress of falleras is an unique and handmade piece of art and a representation of this celebration, but also the little accessories that conforme the outfit. Because of that, if you want to carry València in your heart, a good choice is to get a tattoo of a comb or a fallera.

Design by Josefina Villanueva for Vieja Escuela Tattoo
Design by Rebekgv for Vieja Escuela Tattoo

What do you think about these tattoo ideas of Valencia? Follow us on Instagram and know more about us.

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